Listed below are just some of the services offered by agardevelopment. Please feel free to read the descriptions and contact us if you have any questions about our services.
web development
We offer Silverlight and MVC development as well as ASP.NET Web Forms development to provide secure, professional and eye-pleasing web applications. Other skills include, but not limited to: AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript and JSON. We also provide domain name registration and SSL certificates through third-party companies.
SQL database development
We offer SQL database design and development which includes database object creation. Your data will be well organized, efficient and secure.
windows development
We offer WPF and WinForms development in order to provide windows-based systems as an alternative for web applications.
web services
We offer WCF and ASP.NET web service development in order to communicate between other systems or data sources on the internet.
reporting services
We utilize SQL Server Reporting Services which is a reliable reporting platform provided by Microsoft. We create well laid out and quick-rendering custom reports.
web/UI design
We allow you to select a template from a third-party website or we can create a very custom and artistic, yet professional, web/UI design.
logo design
We can create any custom logo with pre-defined colors and/or design ideas from you, or we can create a brand new logo and color scheme.
We offer search engine optimization techniques on the websites developed for our customers in order for your site to move up in the rankings on search engine results.